Watercolor Ebooks / Aquarell - E-Books

My ebooks about watercolor & watercolor painting  are available here, on ETSY and on AMAZON 

eBook Watercolor Seasons Vol1 Spring - Celebrate Spring in vivid watercolors

These easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials celebrate the spring season in vivid watercolors. The practices have a clear structure to guarantee pure watercolor fun for everybody just from the start. Start with easy warm-ups creating impressive and colorful watercolors quick and dive into a more challenging painting project later. Including 4 chapters with step-by-step tutorials, useful tips and hints about art materials and the sprinkle technique and a gallery with more inspiration for your next spring watercolors. Happy Painting!

eBook Watercolor Seasons Vol2 Summer - Celebrate Summer in vivid watercolors

These easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials celebrate the summertime season in vivid watercolors. The practices have a clear structure to guarantee pure watercolor fun for everybody just from the start. Start with easy warm-ups creating impressive and colorful watercolors quick and dive into a more challenging painting project later. Including 4 chapters with step-by-step tutorials, useful tips and hints about art materials and how thumbnail sketches help you to plan your watercolor project, plein-air tips and a gallery with more inspiration for your next summertime watercolors. Happy Painting

eBook Watercolor Seasons Vol3 Autumn - Celebrate Autumn in vivid watercolors

These easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials celebrate the autumn season in vivid watercolors. The practices have a clear structure to guarantee pure watercolor fun for everybody just from the start. Start with easy warm-ups creating impressive and colorful watercolors quick and dive into a more challenging painting project later. Including 5 chapters with step-by-step tutorials, useful tips and hints about art materials and the sprinkle technique and a gallery with more inspiration for your next spring watercolors. Happy Painting!

eBook Watercolor Seasons Vol4 Winter - Celebrate Winter in vivid watercolors

These easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials celebrate the spring season in vivid watercolors. The practices have a clear structure to guarantee pure watercolor fun for everybody just from the start. Start with easy warm-ups creating impressive and colorful watercolors quick and dive into a more challenging painting project later. Including 4 chapters with step-by-step tutorials, useful tips and hints about art materials and the sprinkle technique and a gallery with more inspiration for your next spring watercolors. Happy Painting!

eBook 2 Minute Watercolors - Create watercolors in two minutes

Incredible but true: Searching for simplification in the representation of objects in his watercolors Carsten Wieland was looking for the most effective possible practice method - and found it in the "2-minute watercolors" method.
In his report he describes how he came up with it and presents it using examples of how they are painted. It's amazing that a small work of art can be created with little effort.
7 easy-to-follow step-by-step practices and a gallery of more 2 minute watercolor examples - presented on 46 colorful pages.

eBook Watercolors in minutes – 30 projects step-by-step 

How to paint watercolors full of dynamism and liveliness in minutes
If you liked the eBook "2 Minutes  Watercolors" you will love this eBook!

30 entertaining chapters with detailed step by step instructions let you dive into the world of fast & vivid watercolor painting. All exercises are easy to follow thanks to many pictures and very comprehensively described. Many tips on artist materials such as paper, brushes and paints and various painting techniques allow you to get started immediately.

eBook Sunflower Your Life! Watercolor Workshop for expressive floral watercolor 

Bring light into your winter days! Sunflower Your Life with expressive floral paintings! Easy to follow - loads of loose watercolor joy!
Learn how to develop your individual loose brushstrokes.

Sunflower Your Life! A workshop for loose floral watercolors by Carsten Wieland
E-Book with 136 pages including numerous step-by-step pictures and descriptions for each project.
Chapters cover arrangement, art-materials, practices, sketching and expressive watercolor painting

eBook Workshop:Watercolor1 - Instant Download - 10 Watercolors Step-by-Step

Finally: The english version of my bestselling watercolor-book (Germany)

10 watercolors step by step in their creation / Every watercolor project is demonstrated in a detailed view on any step, illustrated by numerous pictures from the painting process, each with detailed description. / Plus: Detailed information about art-materials used in the projects - all about brushes, paints, paper additional helpful materials.

Watercolor eBook The Beauty of Abandoned Places/Watercolors 2015-2020

Abandoned houses were the inspiration that made me start painting watercolors. And they are still my most important motive. In my watercolors I am searching for the beauty behind their moldering planks. This book collects the best of my abandoned houses paintings from the first sketches in 2015 to the latest watercolors from 2020 on 196 pages.
Content 196 colorful pages
Introduction in English & German
Photo Essay - Abandoned Houses Detroit
Drawings from Brush Park / Detroit
Watercolors of Abandoned Houses & Places 2015 -2020

eBook Sunflower Your Life! Watercolor Workshop for expressive floral watercolor 

Bring light into your winter days! Sunflower Your Life with expressive floral paintings! Easy to follow - loads of loose watercolor joy!
Learn how to develop your individual loose brushstrokes.

Sunflower Your Life! A workshop for loose floral watercolors by Carsten Wieland
E-Book with 136 pages including numerous step-by-step pictures and descriptions for each project.
Chapters cover arrangement, art-materials, practices, sketching and expressive watercolor painting

eBook Workshop:Watercolor1 - Instant Download - 10 Watercolors Step-by-Step

Finally: The english version of my bestselling watercolor-book (Germany)

10 watercolors step by step in their creation / Every watercolor project is demonstrated in a detailed view on any step, illustrated by numerous pictures from the painting process, each with detailed description. / Plus: Detailed information about art-materials used in the projects - all about brushes, paints, paper additional helpful materials.

Watercolor eBook The Beauty of Abandoned Places/Watercolors 2015-2020

Abandoned houses were the inspiration that made me start painting watercolors. And they are still my most important motive. In my watercolors I am searching for the beauty behind their moldering planks. This book collects the best of my abandoned houses paintings from the first sketches in 2015 to the latest watercolors from 2020 on 196 pages.
Content 196 colorful pages
Introduction in English & German
Photo Essay - Abandoned Houses Detroit
Drawings from Brush Park / Detroit
Watercolors of Abandoned Houses & Places 2015 -2020

brushpark watercolors: carsten wieland 2016 : Complete Watercolors 2016

Sometimes it is necessary to end a professional artist career to discover the joy and passion for art again. After 25 years working as a freelance artist, game-designer and illustrator, most of the time with digital tools, Carsten Wieland decided to quit this job and come back to the roots of his inspiration: watercolors. Without any commercial compromise he found his passion in painting abandoned houses, gnarly trees and wide landscapes. Always searching for new ways of expression with the brush about 700 watercolors and sketches came together in 2016 and all these are collected in this book. The result of an everyday ritual, self therapy and an unstopable fountain of joy. 240 Pages

brushpark Watercolors: Carsten Wieland 2017 I: Complete Watercolors 2017 - Vol.1

My watercolors and a selection of watercolor sketches from 2017, January - August.

Sometimes it is necessary to end a professional artist career to discover the joy and passion for art again. After 25 years working as a freelance artist, game-designer and illustrator, most of the time with digital tools, Carsten Wieland decided to quit this job and come back to the roots of his inspiration: watercolors. Without any commercial compromise he found his passion in painting abandoned houses, gnarly trees and wide landscapes. Always searching for new ways of expression with the brush more than 200 watercolors came together in 2017 already and all these are collected in this book, together with a selection of watercolor sketches. The result of an everyday ritual, self therapy and an unstopable fountain of joy.

brushpark Watercolors: Carsten Wieland 2017 II: Complete watercolors & sketches 

My watercolors and a selection of watercolor sketches from 2017, August - December.

In this book I have collected all my watercolors and watercolor sketches from August to December, 2017 - in addition to an earlier book that collected my works from January to August.

Sometimes it is necessary to end a professional artist career to discover the joy and passion for art again. After 25 years working as a freelance artist, game-designer and illustrator, most of the time with digital tools, Carsten Wieland decided to quit this job and come back to the roots of his inspiration: watercolors.

brushpark watercolors: carsten wieland 2018 : Complete Watercolors 2018

My watercolors and a selection of watercolor sketches from 2018, January - December.

In this book I have collected all my watercolors and watercolor sketches from 2018.

brushpark watercolors: carsten wieland 2019 : Complete Watercolors 2019

My watercolors and a selection of watercolor sketches from 2019, January - December.

In this book I have collected all my watercolors and watercolor sketches from 2019.

eBook Collage-Art "Please Do Not Bend" - Instant Download - English/Deutsch /

Historical personalities from the 19th and early 20th centuries, depicted in elaborate collages and clever quotes, are gathered in this book, which was created at the beginning of the Covid crisis in the isolation of my studio. In addition to famous celebrities such as Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe or Sarah Bernardt, there are also less well-known but by no means less interesting personalities gathered here, which I came across by accident during my research.

Content: 112 colorful pages

2 Minuten Aquarelle: Aquarelle in zwei Minuten malen (Deutsch)

Dieses eBook enthält eine Einführung in die 2-minütige Aquarellpraxis, Infos zu Kunstmaterialien, 7 leicht verständliche Schritt-für-Schritt-Übungen und eine Galerie mit weiteren 2-minütigen Aquarellbeispielen - präsentiert auf 46 farbenfrohen Seiten. Unterhaltsame Aquarell-Übungen. Viel Spaß beim Malen!
Deutsche Version 

Aquarelle in Minuten1: Meine Geheimnisse für schnelle lebendige Aquarelle - 30 Projekte Schritt-für-Schritt - 184 Seiten - Deutsch

 30 unterhaltsame Kapitel mit detaillierten Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen lassen Sie in die Welt der schnellen & lebendigen Aquarellmalerei eintauchen. Alle Übungen sind dank vieler Bilder leicht nachvollziehbar und sehr umfassend beschrieben. 

Aquarell Saison Frühling Vol.1: Zelebriere den Frühling in lebendigen Aquarellen - Tutorial 60 Seiten Schritt für Schritt – Deutsche Ausgabe

60 farbenfrohe Seiten - Deutsche Ausgabe - 4 Kapitel mit leicht verständlichen schrittweisen Aquarell-Übungen, praktischen Informationen zu Materialien und Techniken und einer inspirierenden Galerie.

Aquarell Saison Vol2 Sommer : Den Sommer in lebendigen Aquarellen zelebrieren - Tutorial 50 Seiten - Schritt für Schritt – Deutsche Ausgabe

Diese leicht verständlichen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen feiern die Sommersaison in lebendigen Aquarellen. Die Übungen haben eine klare Struktur, um allen von Anfang an Spaß am reinen Aquarell zu garantieren. Beginnen Sie mit einfachen Aufwärmübungen, um schnell beeindruckende und farbenfrohe Aquarelle zu erstellen, und tauchen Sie später in ein anspruchsvolleres Malprojekt ein.

Aquarell Saison Herbst Vol.3 : Zelebriere den Herbst in lebendigen Aquarellen - Tutorial 56 Seiten - Schritt für Schritt – Deutsche Ausgabe

Enthält 5 Kapitel mit Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, nützliche Tipps und Hinweise zu Kunstmaterialien und der Sprenkel-Technik sowie eine Galerie mit mehr Inspiration für Ihre nächsten Herbstaquarelle. Viel Spaß beim Malen! Happy Painting!

Aquarell Saison Winter Vol.4 : Zelebriere den Winter in lebendigen Aquarellen: - Tutorial 56 Seiten  - Schritt für Schritt – Deutsche Ausgabe

56 farbenfrohe Seiten – Deutsche Ausgabe - 5 Kapitel mit leicht verständlichen schrittweisen Aquarell-Übungen, praktischen Informationen zu Materialien und Techniken und einer inspirierenden Galerie.